Monday, December 6, 2010

Conservapedia is Hilarious

Conservapedia is a website that was shocked when they "saw" how biased Wikipedia was. It was, of course, a liberal bias. Instead of creating a website that was seen as completely unbiased, they created a site with even more conservative bias, so everything balanced out. Or something. Pretty much everyone agrees that Conservapedia isn't a very valid website in any area. In some cases, they might even make you laugh and say "This must be a joke! There's no way they believe that!" Here's a few entries that had me saying that.

"However, Charles Darwin originally based the idea of human evolution on a racist assumption, [after God was rejected as Creator], made in the late 1830s, that Fuegians (natives of Tierra del Fuego) resembled primates that he had observed in the London zoo."

A liberal (also leftist) is someone who rejects logical and biblical standards, often for self-centered reasons. There are no coherent liberal standards; often a liberal is merely someone who craves attention, and who uses many words to say nothing.

Democrats and most media outlets in the U.S. are blatantly liberal

  • Liberals typically support a "mixed" economy, a policy similar to that of fascism
  • Liberals claimed a monopoly on compassion, decency and social justice (as defined by themselves), posing as the sole defenders of civic virtue against a horde of backwoodsmen, racists, and religious fanatics.

One definition of liberal is anything that is not conservative. For example, the American Heritage Dictionary includes this definition of "liberal"

  • Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas ...

Unlike Christianity , which is supported by a large body of evidence, atheism has no proof and evidence supporting its ideology.

The gay life consists of immoral sexual activity, particularly homosexual or bisexual

The term "orientation" is particularly favored by those who are promoting public acceptance of homosexuality.

Is it me or is countering a website you view as biased with a website that's even more biased to the point of hilarity a really stupid thing to do?

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