Saturday, February 26, 2011

Everybody Hates Animal Lovers/ Daily Show Camel.

Amidst the protests of my homestate of Wisconsin, one show thought to bring a camel to the area. Unfortunately, camels are not known to be incredibly graceful creatures, nor are they known to transverse icy streets often. The camel got it's foot stuck in a barricade briefly and suddenly everyone starts flipping out. But they're forgetting one thing:

It's a freaking camel. They're not made of glass. In fact, I highly doubt ANY animals are made of glass. Tripping isn't going to kill an animal; it'll inconvenience it at best. Whenever there's even a CHANCE of an animal getting slighted in any possible way, these animal lovers immediately get into a froth about the whole thing. But there is no thing. The camel got stuck and fell over. They decided to call the whole thing off after that. It's so freaking annoying.

Nobody likes you, animal lovers. Except for maybe other animal lovers.